
Read all the details below and check out the Future Foresters Instagram page for regular updates.
Have a go at our pest scavenger hunt, in association with Future Foresters!
Join in the pest scavenger hunt and be in to win great prizes!
The scavenger runs through the Find-A-Pest app, so download it now and sign up to Find-A-Pest to get involved!
Scavenger hunt starts Wednesday 23rd February and finishes Wednesday 9th March 2022.
Once you are signed in on the app (check out our how to page if you get stuck), go to the profile settings and choose the Scavenger Hunt sector.

So what do I do now?
Get out there and hunting for pests! We have a included in the hunt some common and less common forestry pests - they more you find, the more chances you have to win!
If you find something you think is a pest - click on the appropriate fact sheet and click "report this pest" - send through your photo observation and you're in the draw!
You can always use the blue camera button too.
Make sure you always write scavenger hunt in the comments in your observation so we can easily find it and enter you in the draw for prizes.
Make sure you always write "scavenger hunt" in the comments box when you submit your observation so we can easily enter you in the draw for prizes.
Prizes will be drawn at the end of the scavenger hunt and winners will be informed via email.
Tasty treats prize pack for the most observations submitted throughout the competition
Tasty treats prize pack for the person who finds all pests in the scavenger hunt sector (or the person who finds closest to all pests). This will be a random draw of all those who qualify.
Daily random prize draw for a Find-A-Pest metal drink bottle and Future Foresters t-shirt! Everyone who enters a pest observation will be in the draw for that day